Past Rounds
RetroPGF Round 1

Retro Funding Round 1

The Optimism Collective’s first round of Retroactive Public Goods Funding (Retro Funding) took place in Q4 of 2021. This round was the first Retro Funding experiment of the collective and was announced (opens in a new tab) in the months following the initial blog post on Retroactive Public Goods Funding (opens in a new tab). Retro Funding 1 allocated $1M to fund projects that have provided value to the Optimistic Ethereum ecosystem.


In the first round of Retro Funding, 76 projects were nominated, and 58 were awarded funding by the badgeholders! The median funding received by a project in Retro Funding 1 was $14,670, while the top 10% of projects received more than $36,919.

Process and timeline overview

  1. Badgeholder selection - In RetroPGF Round 1, 24 badgeholders, made up of 8 Optimists and 16 Ethereum community members, were selected to vote on distributing retrofunding to nominated projects.
  2. Nominations (Oct 5th - Oct 21st) - anyone could nominate a project via a form submission (opens in a new tab) by providing a project name, project lead name, project lead e-mail and impact description.
  3. Voting (Oct 24th - Nov 1st) - Badgeholders were provided with a badgeholder manual (opens in a new tab) and asked to evaluate and vote on nominated projects via's interface (opens in a new tab).