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Grants in the Optimism Collective

In Season 7, there is one singular Intent - a set of interoperable Stage 1 chains doing $250m per month in cross-chain asset transfers. Season 7 Intents

All contributions, and therefore all grants, in the Collective should be working towards this singular Intent in Season 7. You can learn more about the Season 7 Intent here (opens in a new tab).

All grants in the Optimism Collective can be thought of as Missions, and there are three types of Missions:

  • Foundation Missions
  • Retro Funding Missions
  • Governance Fund Missions

Missions are specific initiatives aimed at making measurable progress towards the Intent. They are clearly scoped, and can be executed by Collective contributors start-to-finish in less than 12 months.

Missions Graphic

Season 7 Missions – what are they, and how to apply?

Mission TypeSeason 7 BudgetWhere can I Apply?Who is Eligible?When can I Apply?Who Selects Projects?When is Impact Evaluated?
Foundation Missions (opens in a new tab)6M OPFoundation Mission Github (opens in a new tab)Each Foundation Mission has its own eligibility, viewable on the specific issue.Each Foundation Mission has its own deadline, viewable on the specific issue. More Mission will be added throughout the Season, so check back regularly!Developer Advisory BoardAt the end of the Season
Retro Funding Missions (opens in a new tab)16M OPOP Atlas (opens in a new tab)Each Retro Funding round has its own eligibility, viewable on the Retro Funding Rounds page.Each Retro Funding round has its own deadline, findable on the Retro Funding page.All eligible projects can participate, see Retro Funding Rounds page for details.Regularly throughout Season
Governance Fund Missions (opens in a new tab)10.5M OPGrants Council Charmverse Homepage (opens in a new tab)Each Governance Fund Mission will outline its own eligibility, determined by the Grants Council. The eligibility criteria for OP Chains will be shared in January; you can expect roughly 10 chains to be eligible. Additional details on the Decision Market will be posted soon.Application deadlines will be set by the Grants Council at the start of Season 7. You’ll be able to find them on the public Optimism Governance calendar here (opens in a new tab).Grants CouncilAt the end of the Season

Measuring Impact of Missions

All Missions will work towards the same Intent. All impact will be measured, across the Collective, on the same, recurring measurement dates. Specific details about Retro Funding and other measurement mechanics will be provided throughout Season 7.

Measuring Missions